Easy and Tasty One-pan oven-roasted chicken and potatoes recipe
Heat the oven to 180C/356F
Peel the potatoes, place them in a bowl and cover them with cold water to prevent them from oxidaizing and turning black.
Cut the potatoes lengthwise to quarters. Cut each quarter into cubes according to its size. Small quarters cut to 2 and large quarters cut to 3.
We are trying to cut all the potatoes to the same size so they will be evenly cooked.
Place all the ingredients in a large baking tray and mix well.
Taste the seasoning. It should taste high in saltiness and with a strong garlic taste. Don't worry; the potatoes will absorb some of the saltiness. And the garlic taste will reduce in the cooking process.
If needed, fix the seasoning.
Rearrange the chicken parts on top of the potatoes.
We want the chicken to be exposed to the heat and drip its juices on the potatoes. The potatoes will be cooked in the chicken's oil and juices at the baking tray's bottom.
Bake the chicken in the oven for around 70 minutes.
After 30 minutes, taste a piece of potato to check the saltiness. If needed, add some salt.
Turn over the chicken and potatoes and place the chicken on top of the potatoes again.
To keep the potatoes looking nice and not mashed, the best practice is to remove the chicken from the baking tray and use a silicone spatula to flip the potatoes. When done, return the chicken and place it back on top of the potatoes.
Keep baking the chicken for another 10 - 15 minutes and turn the chicken and potatoes over again. Keep on flipping the chicken and potatoes every 10 - 15 minutes until the chicken is done, which will take approximately 70 minutes depending on the heat of your oven and the size of the chicken.
Since not all ovens are the same and the chicken size may vary, checking the drumstick is the best way to check if the chicken is ready.
On the drumstick, there is a small piece of meat that signifies that the chicken is ready. If it gets pulled out easily, the chicken is ready. The piece is marked in the picture with a white arrow.
All you have to do is try to pull it. If it falls off easily, the chicken is ready. If not, give the chicken an extra 3 - 5 minutes in the oven and check again.
If you like your potatoes browner, you can remove the chicken from the tray and bake the potatoes for few more minutes. Don't forget to turn them around.